Camp FearNot – A Free VBS!

Camp FearNot is a free-to-use VBS. Based around a "summer camp" theme, Camp FearNot's goal is to give children five truths from the Bible to help them face their fears.

Day 1 – Fear not! God is mighty!

Day 2 – Fear not! God is in control!

Day 3 – Fear not! Jesus has saved you!

Day 4 – Worry not! Pray and give thanks instead!

Day 5 – Fear not! God is with you!

Camp FearNot was written by the staff and volunteers of North Park Baptist Church. It's our pleasure to make these resources to use for your church free of charge. We simply ask that you don't re-host or publically share these files anywhere else online.

Camp Motto (Theme Verse)

The "camp motto" (theme verse) for Camp FearNot is...

Isaiah 41:10, NIV

So do not fear, for I am with you;

    do not be dismayed, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you and help you;

    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Daily Schedule

Below, you'll find the daily schedule we used for this VBS for our church. However, you can feel free to arrange things in a way that works best for your situation.

Opening Gathering* – 16 minutes

Rotations** – 22 minutes each

Closing Gathering*– 16 minutes

* A description of the Opening and Closing Gathering can be found in this document.

** An explanation of these rotations can be found in this document.

Campfire Time

The main lesson time for Camp FearNot is called "Campfire Time." Each of these 20-minute teaching times are designed to teach the kids a reason to "fear not."

For each session, there is a lesson and a presentation file. The lesson are written in script format and are designed to be read by a teacher while the presentation file is displayed on a TV/projector in the front of the teaching area. 

Each lesson features symbols to guide you as you teach.

Lesson Symbols Guide:

➡️ Arrow Emoji – Your cue to advance the presentation file as you teach.

❓ Question Emoji – A quick discussion question for everybody to answer. The kids can turn to a neighbor and quickly & quietly speak their response. In our Wednesday night program, we sit in small groups and the kids speak their answers to their adult small group leader. Note: many of these questions may be skipped for the sake of time.

⭐ Star Emoji – Some sort of instruction to the teacher.

👋 Waving Hands Emoji – A motion to do with the kids.

Worship Songs

Because Camp FearNot is a free-to-use VBS, we can't provide you with free music to use. However, below you'll find some songs that might work well for your Opening and Closing Gatherings. For copyright issues, you'll need to purchase a copy of these songs to play. The video links below are YouTube videos we created to use during our song times.

Do Not FearSeeds Family Worship

I Will Fear No MoreThe Afters

Be Strong and CourageousSeeds Family Worship

Do Not Be AnxiousSeeds Family Worship

God So LovedWe the Kingdom

Fear NotEllie Holcomb

Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies)Chris Tomlin

Firm FoundationCody Carnes

Camp FearNot Files

Below, you'll find all the files you'll need for Camp FearNot, which include:

The lessons and presentations use a couple of custom fonts which can be downloaded at the following links:

Downloading/installing these fonts is not necessary when you download the lessons and presentations in PDF format.

How to Download a Document in the file format of your choice.

© 2024 Andrew Doane. All rights reserved.