Psalm 77:14, ESV

You are the God who works wonders; you have made known your might among the peoples.


2 Kings 2:19-22, NIrV

19 The people of Jericho said to Elisha, “Look. This town has a good location. You can see that for yourself. But the spring of water here is bad. So the land doesn’t produce anything.”

20 “Bring me a new bowl,” Elisha said. “Put some salt in it.” So they brought it to him.

21 Then he went out to the spring. He threw the salt into it. He told the people, “The Lord says, ‘I have made this water pure. It will never cause death again. It will never keep the land from producing crops again.’ ” 22 The water has stayed pure to this day. That’s what Elisha had said would happen.


Elisha had been chosen by God to take Elijah’s place as prophet. A prophet's job was to hear messages from God and speak them to the people. But some tricksters pretended to hear special words from God. How could the people know the difference between these pretend prophets and the real deal? One solution to that problem was miracles. When a prophet like Elisha did wonders only God had the power to do, the people could know for sure their messages came from One True God. That’s why God gave Elisha the power to cure a town’s gross-tasting water using just a tiny bit of salt.

+ Why was the bad water a problem for the people? (vs. 19)

+ Why was Elisha able to fix the water using just a tiny bit of salt? (vs. 21)


2 Kings 4:1-7, NIrV

1 The wife of a man from the group of the prophets cried out to Elisha. She said, “My husband is dead. You know how much respect he had for the Lord. But he owed money to someone. And now that person is coming to take my two boys away. They will become his slaves.”

2 Elisha replied to her, “How can I help you? Tell me. What do you have in your house?”

“I don’t have anything there at all,” she said. “All I have is a small jar of olive oil.”

3 Elisha said, “Go around to all your neighbors. Ask them for empty jars. Get as many as you can. 4 Then go inside your house. Shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars. As each jar is filled, put it over to one side.”

5 The woman left him. Then she shut the door behind her and her sons. They brought the jars to her. And she kept pouring. 6 When all the jars were full, she spoke to one of her sons. She said, “Bring me another jar.”

But he replied, “There aren’t any more left.” Then the oil stopped flowing.

7 She went and told the man of God about it. He said, “Go and sell the oil. Pay what you owe. You and your sons can live on what is left.”


A poor woman came to Elisha in desperate need. She was a widow, which meant her husband had died. Even worse, he had died owing people lots of money. And the absolute worst? If she couldn’t pay, they were going to take her kids away to be slaves! But Elisha had a plan. “Go to your neighbors and borrow as many jars as you can.” Instead of saying, “How are jars supposed to help?” the widow had faith. She trusted Elisha’s words. As she poured the little bit of oil she had, it filled one jar, then another, then all of them! God filled her house with enough expensive oil to pay back all she owed!

+ What terrible things had happened (or were about to happen) to this woman? (vs. 1)

+ How could one small jar of oil possibly fill lots of bigger jars?


2 Kings 4:8-17, NIrV

8 One day Elisha went to the town of Shunem. A rich woman lived there. She begged him to stay and have a meal. So every time he came by, he stopped there to eat. 9 The woman said to her husband, “That man often comes by here. I know that he is a holy man of God. 10 Let’s make a small room for him on the roof. We’ll put a bed and a table in it. We’ll also put a chair and a lamp in it. Then he can stay there when he comes to visit us.”

11 One day Elisha came. He went up to his room and lay down there. 12 He said to his servant Gehazi, “Go and get the woman from Shunem.” So he did. She stood in front of Elisha. 13 He said to Gehazi, “Tell her, ‘You have gone to a lot of trouble for us. Now what can we do for you? Can we speak to the king for you? Or can we speak to the commander of the army for you?’ ”

She replied, “I live among my own people. I have everything I need here.”

14 After she left, Elisha asked Gehazi, “What can we do for her?”

Gehazi said, “She doesn’t have a son. And her husband is old.”

15 Then Elisha said, “Bring her here again.” So he did. She stood in the doorway. 16 “You will hold a son in your arms,” Elisha said. “It will be about this time next year.”

“No, my master!” she objected. “You are a man of God. So please don’t lie to me!”

17 But the woman became pregnant. She had a baby boy. It happened the next year about that same time. That’s exactly what Elisha had told her would happen.


As a "thank you" to a Shunammite woman for giving him food and a place to stay, Elisha sent his servant Gehazi to ask, "What can we give you?" Unlike the poor widow from before, this rich lady had all she needed. When she didn't ask for anything, Elisha and Gehazi brainstormed what they could do. Their idea? To ask God to give her something she hadn't been able to buy even with all her riches: a child. When Gehazi shared this idea with her, she said, "No way! You better not be kidding me!" But exactly as Gehazi promised, a year later, she was holding her own baby boy in her arms!

+ Why was Elisha able to provide her a baby when she'd been unable to have one?

+ Can you think of another old couple God gave a baby to? (see Genesis 18:10-12)


2 Kings 4:18-28, NIRV

18 The child grew. One day he went out to get his father. His father was with the people who were gathering the crops. 19 The boy said to his father, “My head hurts! It really hurts!”

His father told a servant, “Carry him to his mother.” 20 The servant lifted up the boy. He carried him to his mother. The boy sat on her lap until noon. Then he died. 21 She went up to the room on the roof. There she laid him on the bed of the man of God. Then she shut the door and went out.

22 She sent for her husband. She said, “Please send me one of the servants and a donkey. Then I can go quickly to the man of God and return.”

23 “Why do you want to go to him today?” he asked. “It isn’t the time for the New Moon feast. It isn’t the Sabbath day.”

“Don’t let that bother you,” she said.

24 She put a saddle on her donkey. She said to her servant, “Let’s go. Don’t slow down for me unless I tell you to.” 25 So she started out. She came to Mount Carmel. That’s where the man of God was.

When she was still a long way off, he saw her coming. He said to his servant Gehazi, “Look! There’s the woman from Shunem! 26 Run out there to meet her. Ask her, ‘Are you all right? Is your husband all right? Is your child all right?’ ”

“Everything is all right,” she said.

27 She came to the man of God at the mountain. Then she took hold of his feet. Gehazi came over to push her away. But the man of God said, “Leave her alone! She is suffering terribly. But the Lord hasn’t told me the reason for it. He has hidden it from me.”

28 “My master, did I ask you for a son?” she said. “Didn’t I tell you, ‘Don’t make me hope for something that won’t happen’?”


For years and years, the Shunammite woman had been unable to have a baby. When Elisha’s servant promised her a son (and kept that promise), it felt like a dream come true. However, what happened a few years later was an absolute nightmare! Working out in the field with his dad, her boy fell seriously sick. And just a few hours later, her miracle son was dead! But his mother didn’t give up hope. After all, the only reason she had a son in the first place was because of a miracle of God. So she hurried off to find the prophet Elisha, hoping another miracle could bring her dead son back to life!

+ Where did the woman place her son when he died? Whose room was this? (vs. 21)

+ Elisha was at Mount Carmel. Do you remember what happened there? (see 1 Kings 18)


2 Kings 4:29-37, NIRV

29 Elisha said to Gehazi, “Tuck your coat into your belt. Take my walking stick and run to Shunem. Don’t say hello to anyone you see. If anyone says hello to you, don’t answer. Lay my walking stick on the boy’s face.”

30 But the child’s mother said, “I won’t leave you. And that’s just as sure as the Lord and you are alive.” So Elisha got up and followed her.

31 Gehazi went on ahead. He laid Elisha’s walking stick on the boy’s face. But there wasn’t any sound. The boy didn’t move at all. So Gehazi went back to Elisha. He told him, “The boy hasn’t awakened.”

32 Elisha arrived at the house. The boy was dead. He was lying on Elisha’s bed. 33 Elisha went into the room. He shut the door. He was alone with the boy. He prayed to the Lord. 34 Then Elisha got on the bed. He lay down on the boy. His mouth touched the boy’s mouth. His eyes touched the boy’s eyes. And his hands touched the boy’s hands. As Elisha lay on the boy, the boy’s body grew warm. 35 Elisha turned away. He walked back and forth in the room. Then he got on the bed again. He lay down on the boy once more. The boy sneezed seven times. After that, he opened his eyes.

36 Elisha sent for Gehazi. He said to him, “Go and get the woman from Shunem.” So he did. When she came, Elisha said, “Take your son.” 37 She came in and fell at Elisha’s feet. She bowed down with her face toward the ground. Then she took her son and went out.


Elisha sent his servant sprinting ahead with his staff to the woman’s house. But when Gehazi placed it on the boy, no miracle came. After Elisha arrived, he tried something else. The prophet stretched out on the boy, matching eye for eye, hand for hand, mouth for mouth. It was a special way to beg God to give the breath of life back to this breathless boy. The boy’s body warmed up, but didn’t wake. So Elisha tried again. This time, the boy woke in a storm of sneezes! When someone sneezes, we say, “God bless you!” But when her once-dead boy sneezed, I’m sure his mom said, “God, thank you!”

+ Besides stretching out on the boy, what did Elisha do? (vs. 33)

+ How did Elisha know the boy had been raised back to life? (vs. 35)


2 Kings 4:38-44, NIRV

38 Elisha returned to Gilgal. There wasn’t enough food to eat in that area. The group of the prophets was meeting with Elisha. So he said to his servant, “Put the large pot over the fire. Cook some stew for these prophets.”

39 One of them went out into the fields to gather herbs. He found a wild vine and picked some of its gourds. He picked as many as he could fit in his coat. Then he cut them up and put them into the pot of stew. But no one knew what they were. 40 The stew was poured out for the men. They began to eat it. But then they cried out, “Man of God, the food in that pot will kill us!” They couldn’t eat it.

41 Elisha said, “Get some flour.” He put it in the pot. He said, “Serve it to the men to eat.” Then there wasn’t anything in the pot that could harm them.

42 A man came from Baal Shalishah. He brought the man of God 20 loaves of barley bread. They had been baked from the first grain that had ripened. The man also brought some heads of new grain. “Give this food to the people to eat,” Elisha said.

43 “How can I put this in front of 100 men?” his servant asked.

But Elisha answered, “Give it to the people to eat. Do it because the Lord says, ‘They will eat and have some left over.’ ” 44 Then the servant put the food in front of them. They ate it and had some left over. It happened just as the Lord had said it would.


Before Elijah left for heaven in a whirlwind, Elisha begged him for a double portion of his powerful spirit. And God gave his new prophet what he asked for. With God’s Spirit, Elisha did double the number of miracles Elijah did. Think of all the miracles we’ve read about this week. Elisha fixed bad water, provided a never-ending jar of oil, gave a childless woman a son, then raised him from the dead.

Now we can add two more food-fixing miracles. Elisha took poisonous stew and miraculously made it safe to eat. Then he made a small amount of bread multiply and grow until it fed a hundred men. There were even leftovers!

Elisha’s job as the Lord’s prophet was to hear messages from God and then speak them to the people. But since any trickster could pretend they were a prophet, God allowed Elisha to do lots and lots of miracles. When the people saw that God’s power was with him, they could be certain Elisha was speaking God’s words. In all of the Bible, no one did more miracles than Elisha did. Well, except for Jesus, of course!

Like Elisha, Jesus came into our world with a message from God for his people. Also like Elisha, Jesus did miracles. These wonders were powerful proof that what he was saying was true. In fact, many of Elisha’s mighty miracles point us to even greater miracles that Jesus did.

When the water of a town was bad, Elisha transformed their yucky water into healthy water using salt. But Jesus did something even more impressive. While at a wedding, Jesus transformed ordinary water into expensive-tasting wine!

When a hundred starving men only had twenty loaves of bread to share, Elisha made it multiply and grow. Everyone ate until their bellies were stuffed. Once again, Jesus’ miracle was even greater. When a group of over 5,000 people were hungry, Jesus took just five loaves of bread and two fish and made it multiply and grow until the entire crowd’s bellies were full. And once again, there were lots of leftovers!

When the Shunammite woman’s son died, Elisha stretched out on him and prayed that God would breathe life into the boy’s lungs. And God raised the boy from the dead in a flurry of sneezes. Still, Jesus topped that. After Lazarus had been dead for four days, Jesus ordered the dead man to come out of the tomb. And right away, Lazarus rose to life and stumbled out of the grave, still wrapped up like a mummy!

Just like with Elisha, Jesus’ miracles show us that he really was who he said he was. He was the powerful Son of God, come to earth to save us from our sins. And if all his other miracles weren’t enough proof, he saved his greatest for last. After dying on the cross for our sins, he raised himself from the dead on the third day!

+ How many of Elisha's miracles did we read about this week?

+ Describe two other miracles of Jesus that weren’t mentioned above.

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