Free Printable Crafts

A Quick Note

All these crafts come from the Pre-K curriculum I'm currently writing, which you can access here.

Old Testament Crafts

God Creates the World

Adam and Eve (made in God's image)

Adam and Eve Sin

Noah's Ark

The Tower of Babel

God Calls Abram

Three Visitors/Isaac is Born

New Testament Crafts

An Angel Visits Mary

Baby Jesus is Born

Shepherds Visit Jesus

Simeon and Anna Meet Jesus

Wise Men's Crown

Young Jesus at the Temple

John Baptizes Jesus

Fishers of Men

Water into Wine

Jesus Teaches about Flowers

The Lord's Prayer

Jesus Heals a Man Who Cannot Walk

Jesus Calms the Storm

Jesus Raises a Girl from the Dead

Jesus Feeds 5000

Jesus Walks on Water

Jesus Heals a Blind Beggar

The Good Samaritan

Mary and Martha

Parable of the Lost Sheep

The Prodigal Son

Jesus and the Children


Jesus Raises Lazarus

The Triumphal Entry

Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet

The Last Supper

Jesus is Crucified

Jesus is Risen

Jesus Appears to his Disciples

Jesus Appears to his Disciples

Jesus Goes to Heaven

The Holy Spirit Comes

Peter Heals a Lame Man

Saul Meets Jesus

Paul's Missionary Journey

Paul and Silas in Prison

Jesus is Coming Back

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